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Nevadans Can Help Save Hundreds of Lions, Bears and Coyotes

Nevadans Can Help Save Hundreds of Lions,  Bears and Coyotes
Nevada Assembly Bill 101 would change the hunting license funding formula, and require that funds be matched by federal dollars and spent on habitat, education, and research rather than killing. 

We need your help today!

Nevada Assembly Bill 101 will be heard in committee on Tuesday, February 21, next week. Legislators need to know that we care about mountain lions and other wildlife.

We sent you a letter last year about Nevada’s “Predator Plan,”  that marked a $3 fee assessed to hunters requiring that 80% of the funds be spent to kill wildlife like mountain lions, bears, coyotes and ravens.

This year, Nevada Assembly Bill 101 would change that formula, and require that the funds be matched by federal dollars instead and spent on habitat, education, and research rather than killing.

To read the bill, click here.

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