What We Do
Help Us Keep An Eye
the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners which makes policy decisions that usually reflect the interests of sportsmen over and above the concerns of the general public. The commission meets about nine times a year. It’s schedule, contact information for individual commissioners, agenda, support materials and other information can be viewed at the Nevada Department of Wildlife web site. Emails can also be sent to Suzanne Scourby ( for forwarding to commissioners. The agency Director, Tony Wasley ( and Chief of the Game Division, Brian Wakeling ( are reachable at the email addresses shown.
Have a Look
at the Amended Complaint on our home page which details our concerns about the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners and its failure to do anything to protect non-target species from trappers or to enact sensible trapping reform measures such as shortening the trap visitation interval. This case set for trial starting May 9, 2016. Keep an eye on this page for updates. If you have the ability to help us with a tax deductible contribution to help fund the case, please do so. We appreciate such support.
Have a Look
at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision on our home page which allows WildEarthGuardians to pursue its case against Wildlife Services which argues that Wildlife Services is killing wildlife using decades-old science that is outdated. This lawsuit has the potential to create significant and much-needed reform in an agency that has been untouchable for decades. WildEarthGuardians deserves support for pursuing this issue. Updates on the case will be presented here. The actual trial will be in Federal court in Las Vegas.
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on our Contact page. Your name and email address will be kept with us. We don’t disperse that information elsewhere.
Letters to the Editor
are always useful. Reno Gazette Journal:; Las Vegas Review Journal:
Contact the Governor’s Office
He is the person who appoints the nine Wildlife Commissioners and is the only person who can exercise accountability over the group.
Be in Touch
with other wildlife advocacy and conservation groups that offer a perspective on wildlife and the outdoor environment that may differ from traditional sportsmen’s organizations. Here are some key Nevada groups and regional/national groups that are helping out on our side of the issues:
C. Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund
D. Toiyabe Chapter, Sierra Club