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The secret lives of mountain lions

The secret lives of mountain lions

As you might recall from the video we posted a couple months ago, P3 is a female lion who was tagged as a juvenile by the Living with Lions (Audubon Canyon Ranch) research team in the Sonoma Valley and then showed up on our wildlife cameras at a regional park property (not yet open to the public) more than 20 miles away. P3 recently graced one of our wildlife cameras in that area again with her presence over a three-day period, giving us an amazing close up look into how lions spend their days when they aren’t hunting for prey. Spoiler alert: It’s very similar to what your house cat might do each day – grooming, napping, and stretching. You’ll also notice P3 continues to call out for a companion, possibly the male lion who frequents this area. We last saw them together back in December, and our cameras show us they have just been missing each other at this spot over the past month. Why this specific spot? We’re not sure, but our wildlife technician reports this is also her favorite place to rest and take a break when out checking cameras. We’re grateful to Measure M – Parks for All for funding our wildlife camera project and allowing us to bring these images to all of you. Learn more by reading our blog “Mountain lions in your parks: What you need to know'” at….

Please Watch Here.

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